Whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.

"There is a portent of stormy weather ahead."
President Gordon B. Hinckley 1998

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

- Walking the Talk


Those of you who have read this blog for a while know that every now and then I drop in a personal note; today will be one of those times.

Sometimes Life just gets up in your face and yells 'Gotcha!' and there's not a lot you can do about it but do your best to be prepared.

For years we've been counseled to get out of debt and live within our means. We did that. We've also been counseled to have food storage and know how to use it. We did that, too. Savings and some cash in hand. Uh-huh. Alternative ways to cook. Yup. Extra clothes. Yup, again.

You may recall that recently we went through a barrage of health challenges followed by a big move a couple states away . . .and then things got interesting!

After we bought a house and schlepped several tons (literally) of food storage and preparedness items to the most wonderful spot on God's green earth we were informed that the company Sweetie was to telecommute for had been involved in a hostile takeover by its investors and all his projects were put on hold and his permission to bill for work hours was suspended.

In one phone call we went from doing 'marvey' to suddenly having a 75% cut in income!

Oh. My. Stars!!

After the initial wave of nausea passed I did a quick inventory of where we stood and realized that, due to our lack of debt (other than a mortgage) and mountains of food storage, we were going to be able to manage. Of course it meant some big changes to our immediate plans and a budget with no room for extras (such as furniture to replace all we'd left behind because there wasn't room in the truck for food storage AND furniture). But all in all, we're going to be okay.

We have slept well each night because of previous preparations. Obedience has blessed us in ways we're just beginning to see.

We give thanks daily for being where we are, knowing full well that the Lord led us here. Our desire is to make a positive difference in the world and that's our plan for the 'here and now'. God knows where we are and the desires of our heart. Let Him do with us as He will.

May each of you be able to face the trials that come to us all in as prepared a manner as possible.



D&C 123:17

Therefore, dearly beloved ..., let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.



  1. TWO BIG THUMBS UP FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This proves once more, after a zillion times over, that following the prophet, who himself follows our Father in Heaven, is the way to go!!. Your priorities were in the right order (food storage over furniture), and so, in spite of the big "SAY WHAT??!!" you were and are and will be able to go on. Bless you always, for your inspiration, your courage, and your testimony. And, yes, He knows you are having a bad time...He won't let you down.

  2. PS; loooooooooove the pictures!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Although I am not LDS, I read your column daily and have adequate food storage. You are an inspiration. The video is....awesome. Thank you. You are a blessing and you will be blessed.

  4. YOu rock!!!

    I am in total awe of you. Truly inspiring. Thanks for being a WONDERFUL true to life example.

    I agree with acv2.......you truly have learned how to have your priorities straight......I know many who would of taken the furniture and given the food storage away. ; )

  5. The UTube message was simply perfect for me at this time in my life. "Hope ya know, I'm having a hard time." I've been unemployed for more than a year now but God has sustained us.

    I am not Morman but was taught by a dear friend who is to "store up". It has been such a blessing.

    Thanks for today's message.

    Karen in Texa

  6. Thank you for blessing me with this post. It has touched my heart deeply. I loved Elder Cooks message... especially with the video you shared! May the Lord sustain your family, things WILL work out! Dan KE4JSX in Virginia

  7. I too am appreciative of your blog and your wisdom. I respect your choice to be obedient. We too have had "too much fun" this year with employment, but because we have paid down debt and have our food storage...we have really been just fine. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways during this time, that we are grateful. May he continue to shower his blessings upon you and your family

  8. Thank you for your willingness to share your pain and experiences. You have become our 'light in the darkness' with your faith and steadfastness.

  9. Wow - hang in there and thanks for sharing your "adventure" with us! We need to hear how others cope with such challenges. Your preparation and attitude in dealing with your challenges give us a great example to emulate if we end up traviling a similar road. Surely God will bless you and all will be well in the end. -- TLR in Auburn Hills, MI

  10. We're still trying to pay off debt, but we have our food storage almost complete and feel a sense of relief, debts or not. Many are losing jobs around us, and those with extra food in the home are SO much better off than those without. Thank God for our prophets and what they have told us.

  11. You are so inspiring and you have touched my life so many times. You will be in our prayers. God will bless you because of your obedience even though he is testing you at the moment. Thank you for teaching us and sharing your time and talents with the world. You are amazing and you will push through this. I look forward to your posts and I know you will teach me many more important life lessons. May the angels lift you up. Thank you!

  12. My husband was retrenched when our children were still small. and if it were not for our food storage and his determination to find something to do to earn some money, I don't know what we would have done. If we follow the words of the prophet all will be well.


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